The story is centered on a young televangelist with an ultra-conservative political and religious worldview who attempts to prevent society’s secularization and moral decay.
He decides to don medieval knight’s armor and embarks on a crusade to quash those he holds responsible for corrupting society and to create his ideal version of society – even if it means betraying his principles in the process.
The project involves multiple drafts, and multiple edits of the story. I hope that the editing process will take me until the end of August to complete; however there is a good chance that I'll be editing beyond that target.
In addition to writing and editing the story, I'll have to draw storyboards. This process will take a very long time as I will likely be drawing each page numerous times. The reason I will draw each page several times is because I'll want to have several different page layouts to choose from. Once these roughs are drawn out, they will have to be imported into Adobe Illustrator, where I will have to painstakingly ink each cell.
In a project like this, the editing goes well beyond writing copy. You have to consider factors such as page layout, and editing illustrations. Although this project will be one of the most difficult I've ever attempted, I look forward to the experience I'll gain from it.